10 heaviest animals in the world

10 heaviest animals in the world

In addition to whales weighing up to 200 tons, many large animals are living all over the world.

Kodiak bear (816 kg):

 Kodiak bear is endemic to Kodiak Islands, Alaska, USA. The average adult male Kodiak bear is more than 3 m tall and weighs 680-816 kg. Female bears are 20-30% smaller than males. The Kodiak bear is one of the largest omnivores in the world. Their diet consists of fish, grass and berries. At the end of hibernation, the Kodiak bear will gain 50% of its weight.

10 heaviest animals in the world

Crocodiles (1.04 tons): 

Crocodiles are the largest reptiles in the world. Adult crocodiles have a length of 1.8-7.6 m and a weight of more than 1.04 tons. Crocodiles can go without food for months. They use energy stored in the form of fat. Crocodiles don't sweat. They open their mouths to cool their bodies. The jaws of this animal are strong enough to break the bones of large prey.

10 heaviest animals in the world

Asian Gaur (1.13 tons): 

The Asian Gaur is native to South Asia, with a body length of 2.5-3.5 m and a weight of 1.13 tons. Male Asian bulls weigh 30% more than females. Asian Gaurs live in herds, of 9-13, in grasslands and evergreen forests. Their horns can be up to 1 m long.

10 heaviest animals in the world

Giraffe (1.6 tons): 

The giraffe is the tallest mammal in the world, found in large numbers in South Africa. They have a height of more than 6 m and weigh from 1.27 to 1.59 tons. The tall, sturdy legs help the giraffe eat the leaves on the treetops. They can also run at a maximum speed of 50 km/h. The giraffe's tongue is more than 53 cm long to get the leaves.

10 heaviest animals in the world

Hippo (3.4 tons): 

Hippo is the 3rd largest terrestrial mammal on Earth. They are native to South Africa. An adult hippo weighs 2.4 tons. They spend a lot of time in the water to cool down their heavy bodies. Every day, a hippopotamus consumes more than 36 kg of grass. Hippo's teeth are specially shaped, allowing them to eat large amounts of grass in a short time.

10 heaviest animals in the world

White rhinoceros (3.5 tons): 

The white rhinoceros is the second largest terrestrial animal on Earth, widely distributed throughout Africa. The white rhino is also the largest of the four living rhino species in the world. Each individual has a length of 4 m and weighs from 1.6-3.5 tons. This animal has a large skull and 2 horns. The front horns can grow up to 1.5 m long.

10 heaviest animals in the world

Asian Elephant (5 tons):

 The Asian elephant is the second largest elephant in the world, the largest land animal in Asia. Adult Asian elephants weigh up to 5 tons and have a height of 3.5 m. This species spends up to 19 hours a day foraging. Compared with land animals, Asian elephants have the longest gestation period, 23 months. Baby elephants can weigh more than 90 kg.

10 heaviest animals in the world

African Elephant (6.35 tons): 

The African elephant is the heaviest land animal in the world. Adults can weigh 6.35 tons and be 4 meters tall. They have larger ears and tusks than other elephants and live in the tropical rainforests of West and Central Africa. An adult African elephant can consume up to 136 kg of food in a day.

10 heaviest animals in the world

Whale shark (18 tons): 

The whale shark is the largest marine animal with a length of 12 meters and a weight of more than 18 tons. They live in warm tropical waters around the world. This giant shark is harmless to humans. Their diet consists mainly of microalgae, krill, crabs and other vertebrates.

10 heaviest animals in the world

Blue whale (200 tons): 

The blue whale is the largest animal on Earth. Each adult individual has a body length of 30 m and a weight of 200 tons. The tongue of a blue whale is equal to the weight of an elephant. Their whistles can be heard from hundreds of miles away. Blue whales consume up to 4 tons of food per day.

10 heaviest animals in the world