10 Most Dangerous Insects In The World

10 Most Dangerous Insects In The World

Insects are not the largest animals, but they are among the most dangerous in the world. Surprisingly, just a tiny bite of a dangerous insect is enough to end your life, not powerful attacks. Insects have always played a certain role in history and are present in the advancements of world medicine. If you are still wondering about the concept of insects, imagine simply like this, the body of an insect is divided into three parts and most of them have six legs. But in some special cases like spiders and centipedes, few people count their legs. Let's learn about the 10 most dangerous insects in the world right below:

1.Half beetle

10 Most Dangerous Insects In The World

Half beetles, also sometimes called Kissing beetles, tend to eat the sap of certain plants. However, they are also known to be carriers of Chagas disease – a dangerous disease for humans.

2.Asian Wasp

10 Most Dangerous Insects In The World

The Asian wasp is one of the most famous bees in the world. They can grow up to 3 inches (7.6cm) as adults, and a small sting is enough to kill you. Once sniffing the prey, they will not give up but chase until the end until they surround it.

3.Siafu army ant

10 Most Dangerous Insects In The World

The Siafu army ant, sometimes called the African ant, is quite famous for ravaging an entire village with a single ant colony. They are so dangerous that when they can attack and surround people and then suffocate them. On average, this ant species can kill 20 to 50 people each year.

4.Giant hornet

10 Most Dangerous Insects In The World

Wasps, possessing the famous horns and golden coat, usually they tend to live in groups, they are quite intelligent but very aggressive and often attack people. For people who are allergic to bee venom or stings, they will die quickly if they do not receive timely treatment. Usually, the anaphylactic shock is the main cause of death in this case.


10 Most Dangerous Insects In The World

Locusts don't actually kill people, they just relentlessly eat their favorite food no matter what. In particular, this crowded insect can spread out to thousands of square meters and destroy many crops every year.

6.Fire ants

10 Most Dangerous Insects In The World

First of all, each year about 150 deaths and millions of crop damage are caused by fire ants, which makes them one of the deadliest insects in the world. They are usually herbivores, live in groups and are quite aggressive towards humans.

7.tsetse flies

10 Most Dangerous Insects In The World

The tsetse fly is a carrier of the deadly sleeping fever, whose bites affect between 250,000 and 300,000 people each year. When they bite the victim, they will transmit the disease-causing tripanosoma through their mouth.


10 Most Dangerous Insects In The World

Most bees are harmless, but Africanized honey bees (killer bees) have become really dangerous in recent years. Thousands of people die each year from the stings of these bees.


10 Most Dangerous Insects In The World

Fleas are some of the most annoying insects in the world, but that doesn't mean their small cuts are deadly. However, they are the carriers of many of the most dangerous diseases, especially the plague.

10.Anopheles Mosquito (Malaria Mosquito)

10 Most Dangerous Insects In The World

A mosquito can also transmit diseases that drive people crazy, and a bite from them can even kill them. They often feed on blood and then transmit malaria – a deadly disease that kills more than any other insect.