13 slowest animals on the planet

13 slowest animals on the planet

A snail takes almost a day to crawl a kilometer, topping the list of the slowest species.

Top slowest animals in the world

13 slowest animals on the planet

Snails are at the top of the list of slowest animals in the world. Snails move at a maximum speed of 1.3 cm per second. This means it takes more than 21 hours to cover one kilometer.

Three-fingered sloth

13 slowest animals on the planet

Despite being many times larger in size, sloths are as slow as snails. A sloth can reach a maximum speed of 2 meters per minute, or 0.12 km/h.


13 slowest animals on the planet

According to 10 Most Today, there are about 1,500 species of starfish in the world, but most of them cannot move fast. While the leather starfish moves at a speed of 15 centimeters per minute, the sand starfish reaches a speed of 2.8 meters per minute.

Giant Tortoise

13 slowest animals on the planet

As the slowest reptile on the planet, the giant tortoise has an average weight of 300 kg. The heavy weight is the reason why it moves slowly.

Koala Koala

13 slowest animals on the planet

This is a cute animal native to Australia but like sloths, they also move very slowly.

Ceiling slugs

13 slowest animals on the planet

Bare slugs are shaped like snails but do not have a shell on their body. The slug also moves very slowly. The slowest recorded speed of the naked slug is 0.3 km/h.


13 slowest animals on the planet

Consisting of 54 species, seahorses range in size from 1.5 to 35.5 cm. Seahorses swim vertically, are the slowest fish in the world with a maximum speed of 1.5 meters per hour.

Monster Gila

13 slowest animals on the planet

The Gila Monster is a very slow crawling lizard. It can grow to a length of 60 cm and weighs about 350 - 700g. They move at a speed of about 0.6 cm per second. It is the only venomous native lizard in the United States and one of only two species of venomous lizard in North America. However, this animal moves very slowly so it is almost not dangerous to humans.


13 slowest animals on the planet

A warm sea mammal, manatees grow up to 4 m long and weigh 590 kg. The manatee uses its four legs as a paddle and this makes it very slow to move.


13 slowest animals on the planet

The slowest bird in the world, the coyote has a flight speed of 8 km/h, which holds the record for slow flight in the bird world.


13 slowest animals on the planet

The loris is a medium-sized primate native to Southeast Asia. They have human-like hands and move very slowly, an adult coolie only has a speed of about 2 km / h. In return, they are venomous species, a bite can be harmful to humans.

Banana slug

13 slowest animals on the planet

The banana slug is a mollusk. They move by contracting their bodies. In this way, the banana slug can only move at a speed of 0.32 km/h. They spend most of their time just eating and laying eggs. Sometimes, banana slugs can travel quite a distance thanks to the movement of sea water.


13 slowest animals on the planet

The family of anemones (Actiniaria), related to corals and jellyfish, has more than 1000 species of anemones of various shapes, sizes and colors. This animal prefers to hunt by waiting for fish to pass close enough to catch it, which can move around with one leg, called a paw disc. When attacked, difficult hunting or changing environmental conditions, anemones will have to move, but their movement speed is only 1cm per hour. This can be considered as the slowest moving animal in the world.