The strangest looking birds in the world

The strangest looking birds in the world

These exotic birds have an unmistakable appearance, surprising many people..

1.White peacock

The strangest looking birds in the world

The white peacock is one of the strangest birds, with the same appearance and size as ordinary peacocks, only its whole body is as white as snow, very rarely appearing in the wild.

2.Pigeons with bleeding breasts

The strangest looking birds in the world

The bleeding-breasted pigeon, found only on the Philippine island of Luzon, is the most startling bird in the world, its red feathers streaking across its chest makes people think they've just suffered. a fatal bullet.

3.Bird Cephalopterus Penduliger

The strangest looking birds in the world

The Cephalopterus Penduliger has a strange appearance, is one of the most unique looking birds with a neck longer than its body, they can be found in Western Colombia and Ecuador. spoon stork

The strangest looking birds in the world

The pink spoonbill is a species of bird in the ibis family. Its appearance often confuses people with flamingos, but they are actually shorter, with a flat beak like a spoon. The pink spoonbill is a breeding species that settles in South America mainly east of the Andes, and in coastal areas of the Caribbean, Central America, Mexico, and the Gulf of America.

5.Sri Lankan mosquito owl

The strangest looking birds in the world

The Sri Lankan snub-billed owl, whose plumage is like a dry leaf, looks like a dead branch when sitting in one place. Renowned for its extreme camouflage, its habitat is dense rainforest, often with dense undergrowth.

6.Bird Dodo

The strangest looking birds in the world

Dodo bird, also known as dove (belonging to the order of pigeons, now extinct). Although extinct, this dwarf bird is still on the list. The Dodo has an oversized beak and its facial expression always looks scared.

7.Bird Pharomachrus mocinno

The strangest looking birds in the world

The strange-looking Pharomachrus mocinno birds are extremely magnificent and beautiful, it is a species of bird in the family Trogonidae. This is the national bird of Guatemala, its image appears in the national flag and coat of arms of this country.

8.Bird Rupicola peruvianus

The strangest looking birds in the world

The Rupicola peruvianus is a medium-sized bird in the family Cotingidae, native to the misty forests of the Andes of South America. Thanks to its very special appearance and outstanding black-orange color, it still holds the position of the national bird of Peru.

9.Shoe beak stork

The strangest looking birds in the world

Shoebill Stork, this is probably the most famous bird on the list. They possess a huge beak like the front of a high heel shoe. Commonly found throughout the Congo, Rwanda, Uganda and various marshes in Central Africa.

10.Standard-Winged Nightjar . Bird

The strangest looking birds in the world

This extremely strange bird named Standard-Winged Nightjar was discovered from Senegal to Ethiopia in Africa. Lying in a set of mosquito owls, impressed by the odd appearance with two super-long feathers on the sides of the wings. Currently, scientists still do not fully explain the function of those two feathers.