Top 10 Cutest PETS in the World- PART 2

Top 10 Cutest PETS in the World- PART 2

Bottlenose pig

Fun fact: Although they are listed as the cutest animals in the world, they are actually a predator on the ocean floor.


Bottlenose dolphins are famous for being intelligent animals and are extremely popular in aquarium parks. The mouth of these dolphins is often curved, giving a very cute and friendly appearance. These bottlenose dolphins regularly come to the surface to breathe, often repeating this two or three times a minute. They often move in groups and communicate with each other with extremely complex hisses and calls. Many animal protection programs have been opened to support injured dolphins and help them breathe freely on the water.


Bottlenose dolphins often track their prey through echoes. These sounds can travel underwater and if they touch prey or enemies, they will bounce the sound back to the dolphins so they can detect prey or enemies quickly with precise location. . When these animals feed, their targets are often bottom-dwelling fish, in addition they also eat shrimp and squid. In many cases, bottlenose dolphins have been spotted following fishing boats in the hope that they will have leftovers.

Top 10 Cutest PETS in the World- PART 2

Bottlenose dolphinTop 10 Cutest PETS in the World- PART 2Animals are very intelligent

Alpaca Camel

Fun fact: Alpaca camels rarely "spit", mainly targeting other camels, which is also the cause of "bad breath".


Alpacas are related to camels and were domesticated by the Andeans for their wool. They have slender bodies, small heads, and large and pointed ears. Their bodies are covered in soft fleece, and their feet are soft and padded underneath. It is believed that over 6000 years ago, Alpaca was developed through selective breeding and was heavily influenced by the wild Vicuna. Alpaca camels are easy to train, they easily learn to walk ahead, jump in and out of the vehicle, crouch and obey other commands of their owners.

Alpaca Cameloften attract attention with a soft humming sound, pronunciation or neck posture, ears, and head tilt. They are also animals with good hearing and vision, capable of signaling to the herd and their owners of threats. The coat of the Alpaca is greatly appreciated for its brilliant coat and is used a lot in making sweaters. Fluffy and soft fur gives a very cute look like cotton balls. Alpaca have a lovely appearance that is in stark contrast to the fact that they are quite annoying.

Top 10 Cutest PETS in the World- PART 2

Alpaca CamelTop 10 Cutest PETS in the World- PART 2Very cute animals


Beluga Whale

Fun fact: Beluga whales can mimic a variety of sounds and breathe out circular bubbles.


Beluga whales are also known as white whales because their unusual colors make them one of the most familiar and distinguishable whale species from other whales. Beluga whales are born gray or even brown, and they only really turn white when they are sexually mature and about 5 years old. Beluga usually live in small groups and often communicate with each other in their own languages ​​such as calls and whistles.


Beluga whales are common in coastal areas of the Arctic Ocean, although their most common occurrence is in subarctic waters. Beluga usually eat fish, crustaceans and worms. This whale is closely related to "unicorn" whales, which have tusk whales that are called narwhals. In particular, the Beluga elephants have nothing to do with the Beluga sturgeon of the same name, which is heavily fished for the famous salted eggs.

Top 10 Cutest PETS in the World- PART 2

Beluga WhaleTop 10 Cutest PETS in the World- PART 2Beluga whale is a very cute whale with a special white color


Fun fact: Clownfish often dance an elaborate dance with anemone before arriving at their new habitat. They also have the ability to change sexes.


The clown fish is also known as the clown anemone fish. Clownfish possess a very striking color with a bright orange color and three distinctive white lines. Clownfish are one of the most recognizable of all coral reef creatures. They are about 5.3 cm long. Clownfish often perform the strange act of performing an elaborate dance with the anemone before settling there, gently touching the sea anemone's tentacles with different parts until they feel like it. adapt to a new host.


A layer of mucus on the skin of the clownfish makes it immune to the deadly stings of anemone. To be able to live in the sea anemones for a long time, avoiding the pursuit of enemies, clownfish will repel intruders, eat their host, they also help eliminate parasites. There are at least 30 known species of clownfish in the world, most of which live in the shallow waters of the Indian and Western Pacific Oceans. Another special thing is that all clownfish are born male. They have the magical ability to change sexes.

Top 10 Cutest PETS in the World- PART 2

ClownfishTop 10 Cutest PETS in the World- PART 2Clownfish have the ability to change sex


Chinchilla chipmunk

Fun fact: Chinchilla chipmunks eat in an upright sitting position, holding food in front, they are easily mistaken for small-eared rabbits or small kangaroos.


Chinchila chipmunk is smaller than a domestic cat, possessing large and black eyes, velvety round ears and luxurious gray fur, Chinchila is probably one of the most enchanting rodents to humans because very cute look. There are two species of Chinchila, Chilean Chinchila and Short-tailed Chinchila. Both species are suffering from over-hunting and snaring, and they are both listed as Endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), as the number of Chinchila continues to decline despite measures. guard.


Chinchilla chipmunks live in the harsh Andes mountains of South America, they have undergone millions of years of evolution to be able to possess thick, soft and cute fur, to meet the harsh weather here. Chinchilla chipmunks are closely related to guinea pigs and hedgehogs. They have short front legs used to hold food when sitting upright and long, strong hind legs. Chinchila chipmunk looks like a small eared rabbit or a tiny kagaru.

Top 10 Cutest PETS in the World- PART 2

Chinchilla chipmunkTop 10 Cutest PETS in the World- PART 2They eat in an upright sitting position, holding food in front



Above are the animals that are rated as the cutest on earth. You probably already know why they are on this list. There are many species of which are kept as pets. So if you are planning to have a pet, you can refer to the list above!